Our Goal...

...  is ambitious and not without challenge.  Not only do we need to educate the public, we need to motivate them.  We need to raise the money that will enable the researchers to continue their study of the data, so that they can learn everything they can about DIPG, which hopefully will lead to a breakthrough in treatments and options for our children.  We need YOU to be a link in our chain.

And then the work really begins.  We start knocking on the doors of the medical field.  We, at Candace' s Cause, want to take a "hands-on approach" to finding a cure.  We don't want your money to go just any where.  We want to let the doctors, the researchers at universities and medical schools, the hospitals know we are here.  We want to help them make the progress that has so been missing in the last 25 years. 

Our Mission

Candace's Cause is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization committed to promoting awareness of and raising funds for the advancement of research leading to a better understanding of this type of childhood brain tumor, so that the future holds a better prognosis for children suffering with DIPGs., and ultimately, a cure. 

We Thank You for Your Interest and Support.

     A Chain is Only as Strong as its Weakest Link

Please be a Link in Our Chain.

DIPG is random.  There is no predisposition and there is no cure.  A child diagnosed with DIPG today will have no better a prognosis than Candace did in 2009.   That's just not acceptable.  These are kids with their whole lives in front of them, only to be struck down with one of the most cruel and tragic diseases.  All the while their minds stay intact and they are aware of what is happening to their bodies, if not their ultimate fate. 

With your help and financial support, we can make a difference.  Help us find a way to end DIPG so that no family has to suffer.

You can donate by sending your checks or money orders to the address below or click the "Donate"

button located on our Candace's Cause page. 

The Candace Metten DIPG Research Foundation

d/b/a Candace's Cause

1707 Nightingale Drive

Hodgenville, KY  40213

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